Monday, December 14, 2009

Movies and Books

Two of my favorite things are reading and movies, so even in this busy time of life I often make time for both. Nolan recently read the book the The Blindside, and when he was done we went to see the movie. This is definitely one of my favorite movies now. The story of Michael Ohrer, who is currently playing for the Baltimore Ravens is truly an incredible one. I have always had great respect for individuals and families who open their homes and lives to those in need, and the family in this story take a risk and open their home to a young boy they barely even know. They show Michael what it means to be in a loving family, and make him a full fledge member of their family. I always love Sandra Bullock, but her portrayal of this character is my favorite yet! She is excellent, and sassy which I love! If you haven't seen this movie, go tonight! It's a great movie for all ages. I have to admit I have been pretty mad at the Steelers lately, but losing to the Ravens was a little easier after seeing this movie...just a little though!

I have also recently read the book My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult (also made into a movie that I haven't seen yet). This is an excellent book about a little girl who was born for the sole purpose of keeping her sick sister alive by donating various parts of her body. She decides to sue her parents for rights to her own body. This book raises some serious ethical questions, and really forces readers to consider them. My favorite part of the book was the unique way that it was written. Each chapter switched back and forth between different characters perspective, each one in the first person. This allowed the reader to read about the same situations from all different points of view, therefore really getting to know each character and how they are feeling. I loved this book and can't wait to see the movie!


Jenine said...

My sister's keeper is a fabulous movie! I cried the whole way through. Be prepared though... my mom said the book is VERY different. Hope you enjoy!

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