Monday, June 2, 2008

Full Time at Mt.Carmel!

As of today, I am the full time youth leader at Mt. Carmel Presbyterian Church! This is very exciting! It is crazy to think that I am old enough to have a real job and even my own office :-) I have been setting up my office all morning, trying to make it my own. I feel so blessed to be here at Mt. Carmel and to be a part of what God is doing in this place! Yesterday was Confirmation Sunday. I have been working with these 9 seventh graders since March and yesterday they became members of the church. I am so proud of each of them and I really enjoyed getting to know each of them over the past few months (even when they asked great questions that I didn't always know the answers to!!)

1 comment:

BK said...

Jessie, anytime you want help with this please let me know. Congrats on graduation and Mt. Carmel! Let me with you soon.