Thursday, August 7, 2008

Youth Ministry and Such

There have been weeks in the past months where I have said: "God, I'm not sure I'm the person for this job." Sometimes I don't feel equipped or worthy or mature enough or just plain exhausted. I'm learning that it's normal to feel this way and also that I am certainly not alone! Then there are weeks though, that the reason I am in youth ministry is so clear and it just feels so right. I'm having one of those kind of weeks. I am continually blessed by the students I get to work with, and I am often humbled by them in so many ways!

God has blessed me so abundantly that when I forget what if feels like to be completely sold out for Him, I can look at some of the students in my ministry! I am finally feeling comfortable enough in youth ministry that I can relax and let small group and one on one conversations just happen, and that's exactly what has happened a few times this week. I am so grateful when a student feels comfortable sharing their heart or their faith, or provides me the opportunity to do the same. I love my job! Although being the youth leader is becoming so much more than a job, it's a lifestyle.

On a totally different track, Nolan comes home in 3 days! wahoo! Then the craziness really begins though because he goes to RA training for a week and shortly after that starts school and his family moves to Florida! I get to keep him here in Pittsburgh though :o) Thanks to all who have been there for me while I have been missing him this summer!!

Lastly, I leave for Kenya in exactly 3 weeks from today!!!


Kelly said...

jessie! you're going to kenya? what an amazing opportunity, especially to get to go to africa! i'm taking classes at the university a town away from where we live, to finish my english degree. i'm excited i guess, lol.

i miss talking with you like we used to in the apartment while em watched finding nemo haha.. i enjoy reading your blog =)

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