Monday, September 8, 2008


I'm home Kenya! The past 12 days have been truly and incredible and I have been so blessed to have had this amazing experience!! It's hard to even know how to describe such an experience in words. God is so alive in Kenya and I was so honored to find him there! I had the opportunity to work in a village school, visit a church, help build a well, and go on a safari!

If you know me at all, you can probably guess that working in the school was my favorite part. The children were so full of joy and energy, it was unlike anything I have ever experienced before! There wasn't a moment when I didn't have about 20 children petting my arms, holding my hand, or playing with my hair (my long blonde curls were especially popular!!)

Here are a few videos of the children of Joska (the village we visited). Enjoy!


BK said...

Jessie, I am glad you are home safe. Great videos.

Anonymous said...

Jessie: WOW! Welcome were missed! Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it! Love, mp.

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