Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Current Happenings

Life is very busy right now...and it seems that it will only get busier for the next few months. Nolan started his new job this week which is really exciting! He is working at the Pittsburgh Project in the Northside of Pittsburgh in a mentoring/leadership program for local high school kids. He has already met a lot of people and I think it will be a really great experience because he is so good with high schoolers!

This past weekend was fun because we went to Geneva Homecoming. Eventhough we see a lot of our friends often, it was fun to walk around campus and to see some people who we haven't seen for a while! On Sunday night Nolan and I took some of the youth group kids to see Toy Story in 3D and that was really fun! It's refreshing to watch a movie that really requires no thought and is just silly sometimes!

I have two retreats coming up in the next month: one with the middle school students and one with the high school students. We are also looking forward to going to Florida to spend Thanksgiving with Nolan's family and hopefully go to the Gators game! That's pretty much an update from us. I am also loving fall and my drive to and from work because the leaves are so pretty!!

1 comment:

Jenine said...

Oh Congrats to Nolan. He is going to be awesome at that. Hope its going well. We will have to have you both up soon.