Monday, October 5, 2009


So Nolan and I have both been on a major reading kick lately. I think it is partly because of the chilly fall weather...there is nothing better than relaxing on the couch under a blanket with a good cup of coffee and a good book! I love Fall! I recently stumbled upon a book that was an old favorite of mine, The Giver. I probably read it in 7th grade and remembered loving it, but I didn't remember why. So on Saturday afternoon, I read the whole thing! I never remembered how weird this book was! If you haven't read it, it is a very interesting and quick read. It takes place in a "community" where everything is controlled and everyone is the same in their structured and loveless lives. It raises some very mature questions about humans ability to love and to make choices. I enjoyed reading this with more life experience under my belt!

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