Thursday, June 19, 2008


I'm starting to get used to the whole full time job thing, but I have certainly been busy trying to get everything done! This week is Vacation Bible School at Mt. Carmel and I am teaching 6th grade. It has been great getting to know some new kids and also hanging out with the youth who are helping out. There have also been a lot of things to get ready for our high school mission trip to Cincinnati, OH next week.

Nolan has been gone for almost 4 weeks now and I sure do miss him! He's working for Youthworks (a short term mission organization for youth groups) in Charleston, WV. He is very busy, but is able to call me every few days and let me know how it's going. Although I have been really missing him, I am so proud of all the work he is doing! If you want to check out his summer blog, go to


Nolan said...

I love the plug. I am also very proud of you babe. You are doing awesome!!!love you lots

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